Immigration Lawyer Sydney

Why is it difficult to move to Australia?

You need to find a good immigration lawyer

It has not been easy to immigrate to Australia in the last few years. About 70% of the individuals initially try either give up or are not accepted.

One disadvantage of initially not being accepted for immigration is the time you must wait before reapplying. During the waiting period the VISA rules may change, a previously approved occupation may no longer be favoured, or you may become to old to apply for some VISAs. So there is more at stake than just time, you may have less chance on a second application.

There is no guaranteed way to enter the country. The country of Australia must want you and your skills. But if you have a useful skill set and reasonable case there are ways to increase your chances.

Many VISA sub-classes close after you reach the age of 45. You either need to apply before this if you are looking at skilled migration. Or you might consider study VISAs or Australian Investor VISAs.
Being the partner of an Australian Citizen or Permanent resident is one method of gaining entry.
A former resident of Australia can often get back in on a resident return VISA. But act quickly.

Any work VISA will require an skills assessment. It is misleading to think that this skills assessment is straightforward. But it is a long and technical process, requiring either thorough knowledge of the written guideline or advice from an immigration lawyer. The Skills assessment authorities give no personal advice, they only direct you to the general written advice.

After a skills assessment you will need to complete an expression of interest. this presents you and your skill to the federal and state/territory governments, where you are assessed against other similar applicants.

A VISA will also require police and medical checks.

Our Immigration Lawyer Can Help

An immigration expert greatly increases the chance of legal entry into the country. And it makes the process less confusing. Take you case to the immigration experts.

Disclaimer: The information in this article is provided for informational purposes only. It does not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. No individual should take, or refrain from taking, any action solely based on the material contained in this article. While we aim to offer accurate and timely information, we cannot guarantee its accuracy on the date of receipt or in the future. If you require more information or seek relevant legal advice specific to your circumstances, please contact our office.

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