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VISAs and Reallocated Regional Areas

Visas and Reallocated Regional Areas

Immigration Lawyers Sydney will have to spend more time looking at regions Visa applications now that there is a greater number of regional Visa places. This increase in regional visas aims to address skill shortages in these less populated areas. And to discourage immigration to major population areas like Sydney and Melbourne.

There has been a huge surge in Visa’s granted to areas such as South Australia. The figures have increased 172 per cent since this time last year. Areas outside of the major cities in Victoria and NSW have increased 65 and 78 per cent respectively over the same period. But the largest increase of all has come in rural Queensland, increasing 233 per cent over the same one year period.

Some of these statistics need some context. Adelaide is being considered a regional area for the purpose of immigration, because the population is moderate and the skilled migrants are in demand. It is about getting visas to people who are willing to move to areas that need their skill, which is not the areas in large, major cities. so the definition of ‘rural’ is flexible.

The Visas being offered are changing. The new 491 and 484 class will soon replace the older 489 and 187 classes. The newer visas will open up the possibility of permanent residency for those stay in regional areas for more than three years.

By contrast, the total overall number of visas in these areas is actually decreasing when looking at the country as a whole. The previous cap of 190 000 has been lowered to 160 000 for the next four years. This reduction in the total number ties to the lower number of places open for immigration to major cities. The rural (and smaller city) visas numbers have increased, but there is a much greater decrease in the number of visas for living in the city. This looks to be the lowest migration level in a decade.

As the visas only have a three year limit the long term affect on rural population may not be too high. People will only be in the rural areas for a temporary work situation. They will then probably move after they gain permanent residency.

Yet individual migrants have expressed an interest in staying in areas like Adelaide, which are moderate sized cities, only being classified as rural for the present purpose of immigration. This could be a good outcome. Moderate cities can expand and provide the advantages of large city living. and immigrants can fill the positions that these cities presently need.

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