Temporary Skill Shortage Visa Changes

Changes to Australia’s Temporary Skills Shortage (TSS) Visa – Short Term Stream

Australia is set to make some changes to the Temporary Skills Shortage visa, also known as Subclass 482, with the aim of attracting more skilled workers to the country. The proposed amendments, effective from November 25, 2023, will impact the renewal limits for the TSS visa – Short term stream and provide more flexibility for skilled individuals seeking employment in Australia.

Renewal Limit Removal

The key change in the proposed plan is the removal of the limit on the number of TSS visa – Short term stream applications. This means that individuals applying for a TSS visa – Short term stream after November 25, 2023, can have their visas renewed as many times as required.

If you need help on Temporary Skills Shortage (TSS) Visa, contact our immigration lawyers in Sydney now.

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