Immigration Lawyer Sydney

Planned Immigration Levels Update 2022

Immigration Lawyer Sydney

Planned immigration intake for Australia is tied to the Budget. Both of these are announced in May in anticipation of the July 1st to June 30th financial year. Bringing in workers with the required skills benefits the economy. This is one connection between immigration and planning the budget. Another is that the incoming Visa holders will have access to Medicare, public education, and other government benefits. This needs to be included in budget calculations.

Of course, the migration numbers to Australia have greatly reduced during the last 2 years of the Covid-19 pandemic. This is changing now that vaccines have become commonplace. The government is returning the total number of Visas to pre- pandemic levels. There will, however, be some redistribution amid the different Visa categories.

Skilled Visas will now account for 70% of the program. Family Visas will account for the remaining 30%.

Skilled Visas:

Employer-sponsored Visas 30 000
Skilled Independent Visa 16 652
State/Territory Nominated Visa 20 000
Regional Visas 25 000
Business/ Investment 9 500
Global Talent 8 488
Distinguished Talent 300

Family Visas:

Partner: 40 500
Parent 6000
Other Family 500
Special eligibility 100

Child Family Visas are not subject to any restriction. Estimated numbers this year are 3000.

Immigration Lawyer Sydney

Immigration intake has changed now that Covid restrictions are relaxed. There are places for skilled workers and some family Visas. Talk to an immigration Lawyer for the best means of legal immigration.

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