Immigration Lawyer Sydney Immigration Lawyers Sydney

Immigration General Situation

Immigration Lawyer Sydney

Australia is one of the highest Immigration destinations, the other being New Zealand, Canada, and the USA. In the last 75 years over 7.5 million immigrants have entered the country. This means that over one-quarter of the population was born overseas. This is high compared to almost any other country.

There are two distinct paths of immigration into Australia. The better know is the Migration program for skilled workers and their families. The other path is the humanities program for refugees. Each year the government allocates a quote in advance for the number of individuals coming in via each of the pathways. For the 2022 – 2023 financial year there will be 160 000 places in the migration program. The number of refugees is uncertain, but there are plans to bring in 16 500 individuals just from Afghan. Refugee numbers vary according to the political situation in other countries.

For many years the highest number of immigrants came from England. This changed around 2010, with more people coming from China and India. Perhaps the reason for this is the government’s change of policy. Where the government once looked for general migrants they now look for skilled and economic immigrants. So people with good employment skills and decent English have good prospects when applying for visas in Australia.

Australia also has a temporary migration program, which has had increasing numbers over the last 20 years. On some occasions, the temporary migrant number exceeded the numbers for permanent VISAS. These temporary migrants are students at the tertiary level or workers with temporary Skilled VISAS (subclass 457). The numbers for temporary VISAs do not really have a preset government quota but vary according to the demands of employment. There has been a recent (late 2021) increase in temporary positions after the removal of Covid Lockdown. This followed the decrease in numbers during the lockdown itself.

Individuals with temporary VISAs (457) are eligible for permanent residency if they have been studying or working in the country for several years. Students can often apply for permanent residency once they have graduated.

Immigration Lawyer Sydney

There are many migration paths to Australia for skilled workers. Temporary Visa holders may apply for permanent residency after a few years in the country.

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