Immigration Lawyers Sydney. Immigration Lawyer Sydney.

Immigration Lawyer and Employer Sponsorship

494 Visa and Immigration Lawyers Sydney

The skilled employer Sponsored Visa (subclass 494) is a Department of Home Affairs visa that allows regional employers to fill vacancies in the workforce. These are useful labour areas that are presently understaffed and cannot be completely filled by those already in the country.

To nominate such a skilled position both the employer and the vacant position being offered must be assessed by a regional governing body.
This assessment requires that:

  • The position being offered is on the medium- or long-term strategic skills list. The job is needed now and will continue to be needed for several years to come.
  • The individual to be employed will be paid, at the minimum, the annual market salary rate for their occupation.
  • The individual will have 3 years of relevant work experience in the field where they will be working.
  • The individual should have relevant skills, though some exceptions may apply.
  • The individual should continue with the same employer who sponsored them, though exceptions may apply of the work situations changes.
  • The individual must have reasonable English language ability, the level of which may vary depending on the type of work being offered.
  • The individual must be in good general health. Any family members accompanying the applicant must also be in good general health.
  • Individuals are generally under the age or 45, though exceptions may apply.
  • The individual should not have had a previous Australian Visa cancelled, though in some circumstances they may appeal this situation.
  • The individual should not have any debt to the Australian government. This may be waivered if you are show you have already arranged payment.

The assessment for the position must have been obtained no more than three months before the date of application for the Visa. After three month a more up-to-date assessment will be required. This is because the employment situation can change in the space of three months.

The successful applicant may:

  • Live and work in Australian for up to 5 years.
  • They may leave and enter Australia as required during these 5 years.
  • They may be eligible to bring some family/partner with them to Australia.
  • Under most conditions they may apply for permanent residency after 3 years of working in Australia. The granting of permanent residency is not guaranteed.

The application fee is $200.
Process time for the Visa is presently about 28 days.

494 Visa and Immigration Lawyers Sydney

Visas for potential immigration are available for individuals filling work shortages in rural Australian, sponsored by employers.

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