Boarder Opening in Australia, receive advice from Immigration Lawyer Sydney

Borders Reopening to Tourists

Opening Borders and Immigration lawyer Sydney

From February 21st Australia will reopen its borders to all fully vaccinated Visa holders, according to a Press statement issued on the 7th of February. This will include those travelling for business, study and for general tourism.

These changes should improve the economic situation without compromising the health conditions. With the 80% full immunisation goal being reached in the general population, and a recent 23% decline in COVID Hospitalisations, the Australian health system has demonstrated considerable resilience.

Individuals who are not fully vaccinated may be able to enter the country if they have a valid Visa and are granted travel exemption. They will be subject to various quarantine laws when arriving in the country.

Prior to the Covid situation Tourism generated about $60 billion annually for Australia. The tourism industry also entailed approximately 660 000 jobs in the country.

Since the Australian borders were partially opened in November 2021 there have been 580 000 arrivals in the country. These arrivals were individuals with study or work Visas, and occasionally those being reunited with family. The further opening of borders will greatly increase these total number of people arriving in the country, as tourists can enter for any reason as long as they are fully vaccinated.

Talk to Our Immigration lawyer in Sydney

Visa requirements have changed during the pandemic. Talk to our immigration lawyers about Visa issues and Permanent Residency.

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