Immigration Lawyer Sydney

The 2022 Budget and Immigration

Budget and Immigration Lawyer Sydney

As we might expect, a new Federal budget means some changes to immigration. The fact that the previous immigration policies were orientated around COVID lockdown, which has now been relaxed, also leads us to expect changes.

Immigration policies over the past few years have been restricting, as nobody wanted to spread the pandemic further by moving people around. Concurrent with this were policies that encouraged immigration for medical staff who might fight the pandemic, and skilled workers who could fill positions left short-handed by the pandemic’s effect on the economy. These were valid policies at the time, but that time has changed.

2022 Budget Changes and Immigration Lawyer Sydney

Over the next 4 years there will be an extra $576 million dollars provided to the department of Home affairs. This goes towards Visa processing (including offshore processing) and supporting refugees. This increase has to be seen in light of the $875 reduction made last March under the Previous (Morrison) government. The total amount going to the Department of Home affairs is presently still lower than the amount received in recent years.

There will be an increase in the number of visas for parent/family and skilled workers. In both cases the amount will nearly double. The number of Parent Visas will increase from 4500 (last financial year) to 8500 (this financial year). Worker Visas will increase from 79,600 to 142,400 places.

Some Visa quotas, or lack or, will remain unchanged. Partner and child Visas will have no set quota, being based on demand and eligibility. Humanitarian Visa remain at 13,750 places, though there will be an addition 16,500 places for Afghan refugees.

Tax revenue from those coming in through this expanded immigration program is expected to increase by $935,000. About half of this amount will be needed to increase services for these same people, with extra school places and language programs.

Disclaimer: The information in this article is provided for informational purposes only. It does not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. No individual should take, or refrain from taking, any action solely based on the material contained in this article. While we aim to offer accurate and timely information, we cannot guarantee its accuracy on the date of receipt or in the future. If you require more information or seek relevant legal advice specific to your circumstances, please contact our office.

Immigration Lawyer Sydney

Visa Fundamentals

General Immigration Lawyer Sydney

All areas of the law are complex. Immigration law is both complex and constantly changing. There were many changes made during the height of the Covid Pandemic, and further changes made to help recovery after the pandemic started to subside. This means it is essential to get up-to-date advice from a lawyer.

Visas and Immigration Lawyer Sydney

There are various visas, each with different purposes and application criteria. A study Visa requires the individual to have been accepted and enrolled with an Australian school or university. Similarly, a work Visa requires the individual to be employed, perhaps being sponsored by an employer, perhaps entering Australia because of an in demand skill.

Visas with specific criteria expect the individual to continue to fulfil those criteria. If the individual loses their job or ceases to be a student, then they will probably lose their Visa, and may face deportation.

Some of the present Visas include:

  • Visitor or Tourism Visa
  • Study Visa
  • Employer nominated Work Visa
  • Skilled Employer Sponsorship
  • Skilled independent Visa
  • Medical Treatment Visa
  • Business Investment and Business owner Visas
  • Permanent Residency Visa’s
  • Stay Longer in Australia Visa’s
  • Refugee and Humanitarian Visa’s
  • Join Partner or Family Visa
  • Aged Parent Visa
  • Adoption Visa

Services – Immigration Lawyer Sydney

An immigration lawyer should be registered. This ensures that they are up-to-date with changing immigration laws.

Our Immigration Lawyers will:

  • Help to prepare the Application for a Visa
  • Advise about the application.
  • Advice and help prepare the relevant documents for the Visa.
  • Advise the Sponsor (perhaps the employer) of the applicant.
  • Prepare for a court appearance, merits tribunal or appeal tribune hearing. Representing somebody at these proceedings.
  • Help to prepare a request to a minister to exercise certain powers in some visa application.

The immigration Lawyers cannot speed up the application process, and they cannot guarantee or influence the outcome. But they can advise the best possible means of application, giving the best chance of a favourable outcome.

Disclaimer: The information in this article is provided for informational purposes only. It does not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. No individual should take, or refrain from taking, any action solely based on the material contained in this article. While we aim to offer accurate and timely information, we cannot guarantee its accuracy on the date of receipt or in the future. If you require more information or seek relevant legal advice specific to your circumstances, please contact our office.