Immigration Lawyer Sydney Immigration Lawyers Sydney

Visas for Students and Skilled Workers

Immigration Lawyers Sydney for Skilled Workers

In response to the world wild COVID situation the Australian government has made many immigration policy changes for 2021. These changes will impact skilled migrants, international workers, and partners or aged parents of those already in the country.

There should be a 160 000 total number of immigration places retained for the year. This has not changed from before, but the number of places for each category has been greatly altered. There is a greater emphasis on applicants who can help the economy recover from the Coronavirus pandemic, and a greater emphasis on the family stream.

Planned positions for Skilled workers:

  • Employer Skill sponsored: 22 000
  • Independent Skilled workers: 6 500
  • Regional Skilled workers: 11 200
  • State/territory Nominated: 11 200
  • Business Innovation: 13 500
  • Global talent Stream: 15 000
  • Distinguished Talent: 200

Places for Family Stream:

  • Partner: 72 300
  • Parent: 4 500
  • Other family: 500
  • Child: no limit to eligible applicants.

The English language requirement has also changed. Applicants and their sponsor will require either functional level English or proof of an effort made to learn the language.

The partner visa will be a two level process, entailing a provisional visa for two years, after which the applicant may apply for a permanent visa. Language competency will need to be demonstrated when applying for the second, permanent visa.

Immigration Lawyers Sydney

The Covid pandemic has changed the immigration situation, but applications permanent residency are still being taken by immigration Lawyers Sydney.


Disclaimer: The information in this article is provided for informational purposes only. It does not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. No individual should take, or refrain from taking, any action solely based on the material contained in this article. While we aim to offer accurate and timely information, we cannot guarantee its accuracy on the date of receipt or in the future. If you require more information or seek relevant legal advice specific to your circumstances, please contact our office.

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Travel Restrictions

Travel to Australia is highly restricted at the moment. Due to Covid the borders are basically closed. There are a small number of individual exemptions, but these are only for extreme circumstances, and quarantine still applies.

This restrictions will change as the Covid situation changes, and perhaps as our understanding of the situation and how to deal with it improves.

Escorting a Minor back to Australia

If a young child who is a permanent citizen or permanent resident returns to Australia they may be accompanied by a guardian. Each child under 2 maybe accompanied by one guardian. Several children over the age of 2 from the same family are only permitted one guardian for the family group. Additional guardians may be permitted if there are sufficient medical reasons.

Temporary Visa Holders leaving Australia

Temporary Visa holders can leave at any time to return to their own country. But they will not usually be allowed to return unless there are exceptional circumstances. Their home country may have restrictions on re-entry, which need to be a taken into account.

If the temporary Visa holder intends to return to Australia they must apply for an inwards exemption before they leave. This will only be granted it they are:
– Travelling for essential business reasons.
– Visiting a relative who is ill, or attending a close family funeral.
– They need medical treatment in their own country not available here.

Some General Exemptions to the Closed Boarder

– All Australian citizens or permanent residents may return to Australia.
– Immediate family members of citizens or permanent residents may enter the country with proof of the relationship.
– New Zealand citizen who is usually a resident in Australia can enter.
– A diplomat and immediate family with 995 Visas.
– Airline and maritime crew.
– Individuals with Business Innovation and investment Visa, subclass 188.

Some Individual Exemptions

– Individuals providing specialist medical services for the Covid situation.
– Medical students in the last 3 years so their degree who have a hospital placement.
– Some students completing year 11 or 12.
– Students in final years of advanced degrees with research grants. Evidence must be provided.
– Travel for compassionate reasons.
– Planned marriage to an Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident.

You must lodge for an exemption at least 2 weeks, but not more than 2 months, before the planned travel.

Disclaimer: The information in this article is provided for informational purposes only. It does not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. No individual should take, or refrain from taking, any action solely based on the material contained in this article. While we aim to offer accurate and timely information, we cannot guarantee its accuracy on the date of receipt or in the future. If you require more information or seek relevant legal advice specific to your circumstances, please contact our office.

immigration lawyer sydney immigration lawyers sydney

Possible Immigration Improvements

There are several skill shortages in Australia, some of which have been persisted for several years. Many of these are in areas that require tertiary education. We might do well to fill these shortages by encouraging migrant students to stay in the country.

One suggestion is to offer incentive to students who graduate in the top 10% of their course, or who achieve first class honours. These higher performing students could be granted a discount for the work experience component of their permanent residency Visa. Presently the employer nominated visa expects three years experience. This could be reduced to two years.

Students are expected to have competent English skills to work in the country. Those who prove to have the necessary language skills on IELTs or similar tests could also be eligible for concessions.

A recent recommendation in a report to the Department of Home Affairs was for changes in the short term stream of the Temporary Skills Shortage Visa, so temporary Migrants could be offered permanent residency.

Since the CoVid pandemic became serious in 2020 Australia has lost a little over half a million temporary migrants. This left many necessary industries understaffed. Encouraging skilled migrants to become permanent resident will go a long way to filling those understaffed industries.

Immigration benefits the country by bring in new people to the community. Talk to an Immigration Lawyer Sydney for permanent residency.

Disclaimer: The information in this article is provided for informational purposes only. It does not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. No individual should take, or refrain from taking, any action solely based on the material contained in this article. While we aim to offer accurate and timely information, we cannot guarantee its accuracy on the date of receipt or in the future. If you require more information or seek relevant legal advice specific to your circumstances, please contact our office.